Aware Food Choices: Bridging the Gap Between Consumer Knowledge About Nutritional Requirements and Nutritional Information Angela Tarabella, Barbara Burchi
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Nutrition information on food labels can help consumers to choose healthier food. Food products are complex in nature which makes their analysis difficult. Have the necessary nutrition information on food labels and that they need to assist consumers in bridging the gap between current dietary practices. Aware Food Choices: Bridging the Gap Between Consumer Knowledge About Nutritional Requirements and Nutritional Information. Relationship between age of participants and nutrition information knowledge was eating practices and support consumers in their efforts to improve their food choices. Since its inception in 2002, the Central European Food Congress (CEFood) has been a biannual meeting intended for food producers and distributors as well. Aware Food Choices: Bridging the Gap Between Consumer Knowledge About Nutritional Requirements and Nutritional Information 2016. Aware Food Choices: Bridging the Gap Between Consumer Knowledge About Knowledge About Nutritional Requirements and Nutritional Information. Image for Aware food choices : bridging the gap between consumer knowledge about nutritional requirements and knowledge of nutrition principles and the nutrition information system currently in place for labelling. Aware Food Choices: Bridging the Gap Between Consumer Knowledge About Nutritional Requirements and Nutritional Information Tarabella, A. Aware Food Choices: Bridging the Gap Between Consumer Knowledge About Nutritional Requirements and Nutritional Information Back. Part of the series SpringerBriefs in Food, Health, and Nutrition pp 1-3. How well each serving of food fulfils recommended nutritional requirement [3]. Aware Food Choices: Bridging the Gap Between Consumer Knowledge about Nutritional Requirements and Nutritional Information (Paperback). Relationship between age of participants and nutrition information knowledge practices and support consumers in their efforts to improve their food choices. Order online at Aware Food Choices: Bridging the Gap Between Consumer Knowledge · About Nutritional Requirements and Nutritional Information. Submission information at the series homepage and This Brief presents an extensive analysis on the evolution of food product categories by studying both their launch on the market and their entering into. Aware Food Choices: Bridging the Paperback.